Constructed wetlands

The functioning of a constructed wetland is based on self-purification capacity of nature.
More on our LIMNOWET® system

Protection of water bodies

Water resource management must be adapted to the natural balance of aquatic ecosystems.

More on protection of water bodies

Sewage sludge treatment

Reed beds passive technology enables dehydration, mineralisation and stabilisation of sludge from wastewater treatment plants using natural processes.
More on our LIMNOSOLIDS® system

Working with nature to protect the environment

The company is engaged in research, development and application of natural ecosystems for protection and restoration of environment. Infinite possibilities of combinations of different components of living and inanimate nature enable us to deliver the solutions adapted to environmental, climate and economic conditions.

Constructed wetlands

Efficient removal of pollutants from water using physical and chemical processes, microbial activity and plant uptake.

Sewage sludge treatment

Reed beds passive technology enables dehydration, mineralisation and stabilisation of sludge from wastewater treatment plants using natural processes.

Co-natural sanitation of landfills

Innovative, tested and aligned with legislation, the method provides restoration and protection of degraded soils.

Protection of water bodies

Water source management must be adapted to natural balance of water ecosystems. The use of waters is tightly connected to their quality.

Environmental education

In LIMNOS we acknowledge the importance of public awareness raising on environmental protection and nature preservation.

Other environmental services

The goal of our work in the processes of integrated environmental management is the introduction of methods for promoting sustainable development and fostering application of sustainable solutions.

Reference projects

Lake Velenje

Lake Velenje

Ecoremediation measures in a gravel pit Kamešnica

Ecoremediation measures in a gravel pit Kamešnica

Improvement of ecological status of lake Bled

Improvement of ecological status of lake Bled

Stormwater retention basin reconstruction in Komenda

Stormwater retention basin reconstruction in Komenda

Ecoremediation protection of lake Dojran (Rep. of Northern Macedonia)

Ecoremediation protection of lake Dojran (Rep. of Northern Macedonia)

Built ecosystem at Jablje farm

Built ecosystem at Jablje farm

Constructed ecosystems for agricultural run-off mitigation and surface water protection

Constructed ecosystems for agricultural run-off mitigation and surface water protection

Protection of water sources with green and sustainable technologies in India

Protection of water sources with green and sustainable technologies in India

Bušinja vas, Slovenia

Bušinja vas, Slovenia

Šavnik, Montenegro

Šavnik, Montenegro

Selo mira, Turija, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Selo mira, Turija, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Kaštelir, Croatia

Kaštelir, Croatia

Kuchichino, North Macedonia

Kuchichino, North Macedonia

Karbinci, North Macedonia

Karbinci, North Macedonia

Vranjina, Montenegro

Vranjina, Montenegro

Kaštelir, Croatia

Kaštelir, Croatia

Mojkovac, Montenegro

Mojkovac, Montenegro

Plav, Montenegro

Plav, Montenegro

Žabljak, Montenegro

Žabljak, Montenegro

Dobrava, Slovenia

Dobrava, Slovenia

Devoll, Albania

Devoll, Albania

Long-term protection program for hydro power plants Krsko, Brezice and Mokrice water accumulations with ecoremediations

Long-term protection program for hydro power plants Krsko, Brezice and Mokrice water accumulations with ecoremediations

Ecoremediation measures for infrastructure layout for hydro power plant Brežice

Ecoremediation measures for infrastructure layout for hydro power plant Brežice

Ecoremediation for environmental protection and development of Una-Sana Canton

Ecoremediation for environmental protection and development of Una-Sana Canton

Ecoremediation strategy of Montenegro

Ecoremediation strategy of Montenegro

International Projects

In almost 30 years of engagement in co-natural environmental protection, we have actively participated in numerous international projects and contributed our knowledge to global efforts to preserve the environment.


NBS at the Balkan Water Forum in Romania

NBS at the Balkan Water Forum in Romania

In May 2024, LIMNOS presented its nature-based solutions for wastewater and stormwater treatment in Romania, at the Balkan Water Forum event. This is one of the important hub for the transfer of...

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Make the first step towards environment improvement and send us a question.

    Our partners

    Links to websites of different partner organisations and projects in which we are involved in.

    BCCD partner
    Ecoina partner
    Erico partner
    ERTC partner
    ESOTECH partner
    GWP partner
    IEI partner
    Intermost partner
    NLZOH partner
    Savaprojekt Krško partner
    Sinteza partner
    UNIDO partner
    UL FGG partner
    BTF UNBI partner
    Center za zunanjo ureditev partner
    RFC partner
    Evropski kmetijski sklad za razvoj podeželja