Company and team presentation

Working with nature to protect the environment

LIMNOS Company for applied ecology, has been established in 1994. We are engaged in research, development and application of natural ecosystems for protection and restoration of environment. From early research in the field of water ecosystems and development of constructed wetlands for waste water treatment LIMNOS today offers services for tackling different environmental problems using co-natural approaches. Our solutions for environment rehabilitation and protection are based on holistic ecosystem functioning and are called ecoremediations.

Our products and services are applied in Slovenia and abroad. Using our research experience and our team capacities we partner with several organisations and knowledge providers. Ecoremediations are embedded in educational processes of high school and university curricula in Slovenia and in the countries of South-Eastern Europe as a valid approach for environment protection.

Our vision and mission

LIMNOS team is dedicated to development of ecoremediation solutions for environment restoration and protection. We strive to become a stakeholder in promotion of ecoremediation as a holistic approach for environment protection in Slovenia, Western Balkans countries and wider. Our goals will be achieved through a network of partners and by development of innovative solutions.

Our activities

Constructed wetlands

Efficient removal of pollutants from water using physical and chemical processes, microbial activity and plant uptake.

Sewage sludge treatment

Reed beds passive technology enables dehydration, mineralisation and stabilisation of sludge from wastewater treatment plants using natural processes.

Co-natural sanitation of landfills

Innovative, tested and aligned with legislation, the method provides restoration and protection of degraded soils.

Protection of water bodies

Water source management must be adapted to natural balance of water ecosystems. The use of waters is tightly connected to their quality.

Environmental education

In LIMNOS we acknowledge the importance of public awareness raising on environmental protection and nature preservation.

Other environmental services

The goal of our work in the processes of integrated environmental management is the introduction of methods for promoting sustainable development and fostering application of sustainable solutions.


Prof. Dr. Danijel Vrhovšek

Prof. Dr. Danijel Vrhovšek

Procurator, strategic management

M +386 41 675 066

Marjana Vrhovšek, BSc Biology

Marjana Vrhovšek, BSc Biology


M +386 41 386 455

Alenka Mubi Zalaznik, MSc Politology

Alenka Mubi Zalaznik, MSc Politology

Project management

M +386 41 845 654
Martin Vrhovšek, BSc Biology

Martin Vrhovšek, BSc Biology


M +386 41 325 227

Urša Brodnik, BSc Water Management and Municipal Engineering

Urša Brodnik, BSc Water Management and Municipal Engineering

Project Engineer

M +386 31 777 800
Anja Potokar, BSc Water Management and Municipal Engineering

Anja Potokar, BSc Water Management and Municipal Engineering

Project Engineer

M +386 51 222 528

Miran Renčelj, BSc Biology

Miran Renčelj, BSc Biology


M +386 40 883 772

Awards and acknowledgments

Ecoremediation strategy of Montenegro
Ecoremediation strategy of Montenegro
The government of Montenegro acknowledged the strategic value of environmental problem solving using ecologically and economically acceptable ecoremediation technologies. 18.04.2014 the government has accepted the Strategy of ecoremediations for Montenegro and an Action plan 2014–2020. Ecoremediations are thus a recognised strategy for environmentally awared countries.
Including ecoremediations into strategic development programs of Slovenia
Including ecoremediations into strategic development programs of Slovenia
24.2.2006 the minister for environment, Mr. Janez Podobnik agreed to include ecoremediations as standard approach in all documents with environmental impact. This decision has been a result of the long-term effort to include ecoremediations into strategic development programs of Slovenia.
Award »Zlati javor« for best environmental project in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Award »Zlati javor« for best environmental project in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Project »Ecoremediations for protection and development of Una-Sana canton« was finalised in end of 2014, was chosen as best environmental project in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
National Energy Globe Award 2008
National Energy Globe Award 2008
Sustainable rehabilitation of the landfill site
European Regional Champions Award 2008
European Regional Champions Award 2008
Centre of Excellence for Environmental Technologies
SPIM 1993
Acknowledgement of the Municipality of Celje
At international trade fair in Celje for constructed wetland (2005)
The Eureka Lillehammer Award 2001
The Eureka Lillehammer Award 2001
First prize for EUREKA project
Acknowledgement for environmental technology of the year 2001
Acknowledgement for environmental technology of the year 2001
Ecologic development fund and journal GV.
Ecological product of the year 1995
Ecological product of the year 1995
Journal GV and Celje fair
SPIM 1993
SPIM 1993
Silver medal for innovation
1993 Acknowledgment
1993 Acknowledgment
Of Innovators’ Association of Slovenia

Trademarks and patents



Registration number:


Registration number:


Registration number:

Biological wastewater treatment plant (2012)

Patent number:

Biological wastewater treatment plant (1997)

Patent number:

Application of treatment of leachate water in water recycling at sanitation of municipal landfill (1998)

Patent number:

Consensual Patent

Consensual patent:
PK 980393 (Zagreb)