Environmental Education
Public awareness raising on importance of environmental protection is crucial for sustainable development.
Limnos company has been involved in education and awareness raising activities for many years. We cooperate with Slovenian and foreign partner organisations. Knowledge transfer to local level is an important part of implementation of our ecoremediation solutions.
Environmental awareness
Strengthening of cooperation
Sustainable development
Best practice
Ecoremediation education polygon
Ecoremediation education polygon consists of different educational trails and learning points for exploration. Students through experiential learning explore nature and its processes, observe consequences of human activity and learn about ecoremediation measures for environmental problem solving. Equipped with educational materials, field equipment and pilot facilities, every educational polygon creates an opportunity for development of educational tourism and higher environmental awareness. Polygon can be adapted to different target audience.
Our services can be complete or partial but always customer oriented:
- organisation of thematic conferences and seminars,
- implementation of courses and trainings,
- organisation of expert excursions,
- design and implementation of education polygons and trails,
- introduction of ecoremediation topics for school curricula,
- mentoring in masters and doctoral thesis,
- implementation of student internships.