Protection of Water Bodies

Integrated water management in urban and cultural landscape.

LIMNOS designs nature-based solutions that improve or restore the well-functioning water circle of the landscape. The most important effects are water retention and self-purification ability.

Our nature-based solutions provide multifunctional benefits. They protect the environment, water resources and revitalize water bodies. Such solutions contribute to a greater mosaic of the landscape. Restoration and creation of aquatic habitats are the most exposed to destruction and water-related species to extinction.

With application of nature-based solutions, we help mitigate climate change effects, particularly at intense weather events.

Goals of our (nature-based) ecoremediation solutions for different type of standing water bodies:

  • water purification
  • water retention and mitigation of precipitation surpluses
  • water reuse
  • increasing biodiversity in the natural landscapes and urban environments

Increasing the water quality

Improvement of chemical and ecological water status.

Prevention of eutrophication

Reduction of nutrient water pollution stemming from non-point pollution sources.

Economic benefits

Establishment of favourable conditions for economic development of the area (ex. tourism).

Increased biodiversity

Restoration of ecosystem services increases biodiversity.