References and participation in international projects
International Projects
Links to websites of international organisations and projects where Limnos is a partner
EU 7th Framework Programme (2012–2016)
SWINGS: Safeguarding water resources in India with green and sustainable technologies
United Nations Industrial Development Organisation – UNIDO (2014–2017)
Eco-remediation activities for the clean-up and restoration of Port Milena Channel in Montenegro
Center for international cooperation and development – CMSR (2013–2015)
Ecoremediation for environmental protection and development of Una-Sana Canton
Center for international cooperation and development – CMSR (2012–2015)
Ecoremediation strategy of Montenegro, with Action plan
Global Water Partnership (2013–2015)
Support to GWP Central and Eastern Europe integrated drought management programme
Interreg V-B SREDNJA EVROPA (2017–2020)
Framework for improving water balance and nutrient mitigation by applaying small water retention measures (FramWat)
Preparation of Wastewater Management Decision Support Tool (2017–2019)
Global Water Partnership – Mediterranean (GWP MED)
Toxicrop (2019–2023)
Cyanotoxins in Irrigation Waters (Surveillance, Risk Assessment, and Innovative Remediation Proposals)