Reference projects
Long-term protection program for hydro power plants Krsko, Brezice and Mokrice water accumulations with ecoremediations
Protection of Water Bodies
Duration: 2016–2017
Duration: 2016–2017
This program contains an overview of Sava water quality in water accumulations of Sava river in its lower flow and identification of point and non-point pollution sources that can cause eutrophication of the water body.
Eutrophication is revealed in increased nutrient content and organic pollutants resulting in accelerated green plant growth and other negative occurences in water accumulations. The geographical overview of the area resulted in the typology of tributaries and pollution sources. The study contains an overview of effected protection measures and recommends further development of ecoremediation solutions in selected areas.
The study delivers an estimation of eutrophication mitigation on lower Sava river following the implementation of ecoremediation measures.