Reference projects

Built ecosystem at Jablje farm

Protection of Water Bodies
Duration: 2021 –

The aim of the newly established eecosystsm is to reduce pollution from the farm yard entering the surface water (drainage channel). Based on measurements, it is evident that the established ecosystems have a high hydraulic and pollution buffer capacity. The located ecosystem is very effective for removing all measured parameters, and removes organic matter most efficiently (96%). It provides a pilot case for other livestock farms in the counry.

Long-term protection program for hydro power plants Krsko, Brezice and Mokrice water accumulations with ecoremediations
Long-term protection program for hydro power plants Krsko, Brezice and Mokrice water accumulations with ecoremediations
Long-term protection program for hydro power plants Krsko, Brezice and Mokrice water accumulations with ecoremediations