by Martin Vrhovšek | 04. 07. 2022 | News
LIMNOS finalized two new ecoremediation treatment solutions in Montenegro in 2022. By planting plants at the constructed wetland in Andrijevica, the city will gain a sustainable treatment of wastewater and sewage sludge. Adjacent to the constructed wetland are two...
by Martin Vrhovšek | 04. 07. 2022 | News
LIMNOS finalized two new ecoremediation treatment solutions in Montenegro in 2022. By planting plants at the constructed wetland in Andrijevica, the city will gain a sustainable treatment of wastewater and sewage sludge. Adjacent to the constructed wetland are two...
by Martin Vrhovšek | 30. 05. 2022 | News
Limnos recenlty held two presentations of EIP GREKO project pilot locations, where benefits of built ecosystems were explained to local experts. Such presentations will be organised till end of 2022 and beyond. Built ecosystems can treat agricultural run-off and bring...
by Martin Vrhovšek | 04. 04. 2022 | News
LIMNOS is an active member of the Global Water Partnership network, particularly in the Sustainable sanitation Task Force. In the latest study of the use of sustainable solutions for wastewater treatment for individual settlements, which was conducted on the basis of...
by Martin Vrhovšek | 22. 03. 2022 | News
On the occasion of the International Water Day, Limnos presented constructed wetlands, reuse potentials of resources from the wastewater treatment process and conservation methods of local water resources. The presentation was a part of international project for...
by Martin Vrhovšek | 02. 08. 2021 | News
Limnos presented its good practice of delivering NBS for communities in Montenegro on the 2nd Entreprise Summit organising by Connecting Nature network, in Poznan. You can listen to the workshop again: (1) Workshop 2 – Water Management –...