LIMNOS finalized two new ecoremediation treatment solutions in Montenegro in 2022. By planting plants at the constructed wetland in Andrijevica, the city will gain a sustainable treatment of wastewater and sewage sludge. Adjacent to the constructed wetland are two sludge drying reed beds. The city has established a center for wastewater treatment and the production of compost-like material. Wastewater treatment plants can be regarded as water and nutrient factories, and reuse can be a valuable resource for agricultural production in the municipality.
Picture 1: Landfill Plav during planting the plants.
In the following year, we shall instruct the operators to manage the location in the spirit of the circular economy.
The city of Plav, known for Lake Plav, has acquired a safely rehabilitated landfill with a capacity of 40,000 tons of waste material. A green landfill cover and a constructed wetland will protect the Komaračka River, which flows along the landfill. Leachate is treated on a customized constructed wetland, which uses significantly less energy for its operation than conventional leachate treatment solutions.
Projects were acomplished with the financial contribution of Ministry of foreign affairs and Center for international cooperation and development.