Events, press releases and other posts
Elaborated solutions for Port Milena Channel in Montenegro
Limnos has successfully concluded a project in Ulcinj (Montenegro), providing solutions for clean-up and revitalisation of famous Port Milena Channel that today brings pollution into the sea and the...
New Year’s Greetings
LIMNOS training employees of public utility companies
Slovenian Competence center for human resource development in the water sector invited LIMNOS experts to prepare the training of public utility employees in natural solutions for wastewater and...
LIMNOS got a research project
LIMNOS was awarded a research grant from a national innovation agency Spirit Slovenia. Experts in the company are developing optimisation elements in reed beds for sewage sludge treatment. The...
Training for operators of CW in Macedonia
Limnos TEAM finalised a training for operators of constructed wetland in Karbinci, Macedonia. This the second training for the new location. It encompassed theoretical and practical part followed by...
LIMNOS a part of FramWat project
LIMNOS participated at kick off meeting of FramWat project in Warsaw. It is a Central Europe programme project dedicated to exploring the efficiency of small water retention measures (SWRM) as part...
Construction of a Limnowet® constructed wetland for Kamenica village
In July 2017, an opening ceremony of a constructed wetland for 49 PE capacity in Kamenica village (Municipality Sevnica) took place.
Construction of a CW in Macedonia
Limnos team organised a successful training for local municipality representatives and facility operators for constructed wetland in Kucicino, Macedonia.
Project finalisation and promotion of ecoremediation measures in Albania
In Vlore (Albania) we have successfully concluded an Albanian-Slovenian funded project. Main results were two ecoremediation measures (a constructed wetland and a storm water retention pond). The...
International development cooperation
Since 2005 Slovenia has been funding development projects through UNIDO. Within this cooperation, LIMNOS has successfully concluded two projects for the benefit of local population. One is...
CW and sewage sludge reed beds, Kaštelir, Croatia
In 2016 an opening ceremony has taken place in Kaštelir, for constructed wetland and sludge reed beds promotion. The local municipality has been developing this communal infrastructure project since...