Events, press releases and other posts
LIMNOS participated in Connecting Nature Entreprise Summit Poznan 2021
Limnos presented its good practice of delivering NBS for communities in Montenegro on the 2nd Entreprise Summit organising by Connecting Nature network, in Poznan. You can listen to the workshop...
Limnos stertae dit's participation in LIFE GREEN ADAPT project. Its aim is to increase the resilience of EU waste infrastructure to climate change with the use of different blue-green...
LIMNOS presented sustainable methods of sludge treatment on a webinar
On March 2, LIMNOS experts participated in a webinar organized by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, intended for waste water treatment plant operators. Sludge drying reed beds were presented, as...
Connecting companies and researchers is the path to a circular economy
As part of the Start Circles project, an international virtual conference was held on 3 February 2021, at which the existing R&D competencies in the field of the circular economy were presented,...
Limnos participated in ICPDR and World Bank online event
The international commission for the protection of the Danube River (ICPDR) and the World Bank organized an online event on rural wastewater. The event took place on 19-20. January 2021. Significant...
Online tool for waste water infrastructure planning for the Drina river basin launched
Limnos in partnership with the Water Science Institute conducted an online training on the use of the Waste water management decision support tool for planning of municipal infrastructure in the...
Practical Guidelines on Planning Natural and Small Water Retention in River Basins
Practical Guidelines on Planning Natural and Small Water Retention in River Basins have been officially published. LIMNOS took part in preparation of the document and you can access it here. This is...
LIMNOS sponsored national consultation on wastewater treatment under 2.000 PE (11.9.2020)
Limnos presented various wetland technologies for different problem areas in the country. Main conclusions of the consultation were: - Deadlines and requirements for wastewater treatment as defined...
FramWat project finalised
Final FramWat conference was organised online in June 2020. The project was focusing on improving water balance and nutrient mitigation by applying small water retention measures N(S)WRMs. Limnos...
Wastewater treatment in the Danube
Limnos participated in the preparation of a study on the challenges of wastewater treatment in the Danube area. All possibilities of the implementation of natural treatment solutions in the Western...
Constructed wetland LIMNOWET for Karbinci 1.100 PE, North Macedonia
Constructed wetland successfully complete a 2-year trial period.